Nursing & Midwifery Department Organises Maiden Edition of Proposal Defence for 1st Batch of Midwifery Students
As part of the training of its students and in tandem with the Research drive of Pentecost University, the Department of Nursing and Midwifery (DoNM), organises oral proposal defence for its students who are ready to conduct their research project works.
During their training in level 300, the students go through 2 semesters of learning and understanding Research through the Research Methods course. The course introduces the students to Research and takes them through the active and practical ways of the research methods and methodology to solve problems in our communities. At the end of the 2 semesters, students come out ready with their research ideas to solve identified problems in our communities.
This year’s proposal defence included the first batch of Regular Midwifery students and Nursing students who were admitted in the 2018/2019 academic year.
Some of the students’ research ideas included;
- Knowledge and attitude towards egg donation as a form of assisted reproductive technology among the general populace”
- The concept of surrogacy; Views from couples,
- Puerperal sepsis: The impact on the mother’s health,
- Level of awareness of Preconception care among women in their fertile age,
- A scoping review of Peripartum Hysterectomy among women in Ghana; A 5-year retrospective study.
The Department together with other faculty members from other faculties and Administrative staff meet during the Proposal Defense to shape and fine-tune the research ideas for the students.
This year’s event has been very interesting and impactful and the students are ready to go out and implement their research ideas to solve problems.
Great 👍
😎 awesome
I love the courage ..🔥
Great 👍
Greater works ahead.. awesome
This is a very good initiative and i suggestion other departments can adopt this .Well done to my research lecturer and the other faculty members who were present 💕🙏🏽
Ready to save lives!!. We will always be on top. Nice piece too
Good work, well done to us all and our bosses
Wonderful 👏
Midwives – Saving lives .
Very interesting and educative
Well done to all lecturers who made it a point to attend.
Nice work
Faith I see you 🙌🤝
Kudos for the good work done👍🏻
Yes it is a good initiative