Pentecost University Health Awareness Week, 2023 – Health Talk Series – Mental Hygiene for a Sound University A+ Staff
From Monday, 27th February 2023 to Saturday, 4th March 2023, Pentecost University (PU), observed its Health Awareness Week for the year under the theme, “A sound University A+ staff and students”. The week-long observation saw staff and students involved in activities that were geared towards improving their health and well-being. Some of the weeklong activities included;
Wellness Tuesday – Health talk series – Non-communicable diseases
Together Wednesday – Health talk on Pentvars radio – Let’s focus on Hypertension
Fun Friday – Health talk series – Mental hygiene for a sound University A+ staff
Workout Saturday – Health walk, gymnastics and outdoor games

The highlight of the week was the health talk series on Mental hygiene for a sound University A+ staff. This presentation was done excellently by Mr Reginald Arthur-Mensah Jnr, a faculty member of the Faculty of Health and Allied Sciences (FHAS). In the presentation, Mr Arthur-Mensah first took us on the journey of how the term “Mental hygiene” was coined and how it lost its application over the years only to regain strong relevance with the onset of COVID-19. An explanation of the term was given, followed up with why it is important to practice mental hygiene. This then proceeded with stressors that threaten our mental health as faculty members. Cardinal in the presentation were the activities or practices that faculty members should do regularly to maintain, improve and sharpen their mental potential. Below are excerpts from the presentation;
What is mental hygiene?
Practices that allow a person to enjoy mental health and be in harmony with their environment (Lotha, 2020). It can also be seen as daily activities that support and maintain mental health (Ramirez-Barrantes et al., 2019).
Why is it important?
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1946). As well, it is indicated that 1 in 5 people will develop mental illness in their lifetime (WHO, 2017).
What are the stressors to mental health?
Teaching workload, preparing quizzes, assignments, group work, IAs, examinations, marking, conducting research, further studies, taking care of family and relatives, students’ negative comments, colleagues’ negative comments, and economic pressure.
What are some of the mental hygiene practices?
- Eat a healthy diet (Eat a variety – Fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts, animal source foods, healthy oils, whole grains and tubers)
- Do some physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day)
- Rest well/Sleep for at least 6-8 hours
- Have healthy conversations/talk about things that excite you.
- Sit with your eyes closed and practice deep breathing regularly
- Find a quiet place to meditate (Phil 4:8). (“Meditate, don’t medicate”)
(Meditation – Focusing attention on any present-moment experience in a non-judgmental way, Kabat-Zinn, 2003).
- Look in the mirror, make and observe your facial expressions
- Get a pet(s), observe their behaviour, and play with them
- Sit or rest in a comfortable position, put on your relaxing music and really listen to it
- Admire and appreciate nature, take a walk in a green space
- Be genuinely thankful for things
- Learn a musical instrument
- Religious activities e.g., prayer
- Avoid a lot of noise, stay calm
- Brainstorm ideas/innovate/critical thinking.
- Just Dance
- Join the Royal Mental Hygiene Challenge
Credit: Mr. Reginald Arthur-Mensah Jnr
Regarding the practices, faculty members were encouraged to be intentional with them to reap the utmost benefits for themselves and their work in the University. The Vice-chancellor, Prof. Kwabena Agyapong-Kodua, also contributed an immense wealth of biblical principles and experience to buttress the scientific presentation. Faculty members left the presentation well-informed and energized with a renewed mindset to be mindful to take care of their mental health. The conclusion of the matter is that there is no health without mental health.
Good job done.I think this will help people to improve on their mental heath
Very educative
Healthy lifestyle is our priority. You do all pentecost university -faculty of health science.
Very Educative!
Indeed,there is no health without mental health
Thank you University A+, Thank you Mr. Reginald Arthur
Very insightful presentation
An educative information on Mental Health 🙌🏼👍
Awesome 👍 kudos to all the organizers
A very interesting piece . Indeed there is no health without mental health 🙏
wow!!!!!!! This is a very great article. I happen to be performing most of the mental hygiene practices and i can say its really been a life changer. Was battling with fear and mostly my anxiety levels were high because i had poor mental hygiene but now with conscious efforts in indulging in these practices have helped a lot. God bless you for this article have learnt a lot.
Thanks for the enlightenment
Good work done!
Very educative
This is very nice ..never knew the lecturers could have such closure with the student….the pictures look so pure and really ….other schools should learn from this ❤️
Good work done. Keep it up
Wow !!! Educative and inspiring 👍👍👍
Well done ✅
Am so proud of pentvars
Keep up the good work..stress management is very important
Now I get to known some of the mental hygiene practices, very educative
Indeed there’s no health without mental health. A very nice piece😊
Good job👌
Very educative Prof.
Thank you
amazing article. have really a lot
Thank you Sir
Mental health is always important
This was an eye opening presentation.
God bless you.
Wow so impactful, in as much as we are concern with our physical well being, the mental well being is also very crucial for one to concern with, and as a healthcare team, our major aim is to provide enough talk aside our Care given, to people for them to live healthy 🙏❤️💯
Very educative
Great work done
This is very educative and impactful
Presented in a brilliant way and just at the right pace. The course gave me a fantastic grounding of both mental health and mental illness
Great work done guys
Wao, very educative
Very educative 👏👏.
God bless you all
I like this about the mental health practice” just dance”
Well done Mr. Reginald and your team as well.. thanks for creating awareness in all aspects of health.. PU to the world
Wow. Very informative 👏👌
Great. An impactful program.
Way to go! Very Educative. Let’s dig more into mental health issues. Congrats Sir Reggie
Way to go! Very educative. Let’s dig more into mental health issues. Congrats Sir Reggie.
Nice work
Sound mind!
Sound health!
Thank you very much Mr. Nobleman
Sure, mental health should be everyone’s priority.
Thank you Sir for this educative piece
Sure, mental health should be everyone’s priority.
Thank you Sir for this educative piece
This article teaches a lot
This article teaches a lot
Great work
Good work done. Very educative👏👏
Very insightful piece ❤️
Sure, mental health is should be everyone’s priority.
Thank you Sir for this educative piece
Good job