PU’s International Digital Centre Takes Shape
Download the above for full overview of the Pentvars International Digital Centre.
Pentecost University has implemented its plan to establish an International Digital Centre (IDC), in full force. This comes after the University has opened offices and resourced them with dedicated staff and technological devices.
According to the Acting Director of the Centre, Mr. Isaac Kumah Yeboah, there is a lot of interest in the Center from both Ghana and abroad. “That is what made it possible for the University to operationalize it ahead of schedule, through strategic partnerships with tech enthusiastic organizations.”…Mr. Yeboah said.

He added that, so far, Bountiful Technologies, a tech promotion organization in the US, Kumasi Business Incubation Centre, Rolls Royce, UK and some partner Universities in the UK, are the organizations that are already supporting the IDC.

The International Digital Centre is one of the key components of the University A+ agenda of Pentecost University. The Centre seeks to provide digital solutions that will improve business operations, resource management, social work among others.
It will also be a centre for robotics and AI innovations. In this early stages, the IDC has already started its additive manufacturing lab and engaged in rapid prototyping to parts.