Mr. Felix Ahima-Adonteng
Lecturer, Business Administration
About Me:
I am a licensed Chartered Accountant and also Chartered Tax Practitioner. I have wide exposure in the corporate world and also in dept experience in the academia
- Master of Business Administration from Herriot-Watt University, Edinburgh.
- Post Graduate Diploma and Post Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
Professional Memberships and Activities:
- Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana,
- Chartered Institute of Taxation Ghana.
- I have been President and Chairman of Council for Chartered Institute of Taxation Ghana been 2010 to 2012
- I am widely exposed in Public Accounting Practice as a Practising Accountant.
- I am a licensed Chartered Tax Practitioner by the Chartered Institute of Taxation Ghana
Research Interests:
- Mobilising enough tax revenue from the Informal Sector of Ghana
Selected Publications:
- Presented a tax paper on tax uniformity with the Ecowas at annual Tax Conference in Senegal